Our History

In 2014 two Christian business owners came together to share a meal and discuss how they could use their companies to honor God. A third joined for a second breakfast and it grew from there. They quickly decided that they didn’t want to come together and just network and be inspired. And they didn’t want to come together to just learn… but they wanted to come together and Do Something to help build God’s Kingdom. That’s when Kingdom Builders was born and the mission statement created.

This small group started with helping single moms who were desperate and widows who needed help. We did all kinds of projects anonymously but very vocal that we were doing it to follow Jesus commands. It was wonderful to see lives touched by generous business people. We then added on programs that shared Christ with people and worked to impact our region in various ways where God received the glory. We came alongside ministries that we felt furthered our mission and built up Christian business leaders to step out in faith. We created committees that put on events in our region. Some to bring Churches together, others to bring unity to Christian Educators and Politicians. We used our skillsets, resources and influence to further God’s Kingdom and felt God was asking us to expand.

In 2021 we decided to expand as others heard about what we were doing and another group was formed in a different city. We continue to expand and are talking with other business leaders that desire to be part of a group that DOES the work of impacting lives and our culture for Jesus! If you want to learn more and talk with us, just respond on the form below. We look forward to talking with you!

Want to get in touch?

We also build coalitions with other Christian business groups to bring Biblical Change to our culture and are expanding in other states.

“Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” - Jesus of Nazareth (who we serve)